Leonsorb Plus

Disposable absorber with high CO₂ absorption.

Leonsorb Plus shows a very efficient absorption capacity at low-flow and minimal-flow anesthesia. Test results confirm that the absorber with a volume of 1.15 kg absorbs up to 140 liters of CO2 before a CO2 breakthrough of 0.5% occurs. This property ultimately results in beneficial cost savings associated with higher absorption.

Chemical composition and moisture content:

The high CO2 absorption is warranted by the chemical composition of Leonsorb Plus. A moisture content of 15.5% prevents the soda lime from drying out during operation.

Product properties and advantages of Leonsorb Plus:

The geometry of the absorber ensures an effective form of CO2 absorption. The high absorption values are achieved by a shortened reaction time. In addition, Leonsorb plus is characterized by a maximum utilization of the respirable lime, a high absorption capacity and a large absorber volume, which leads to cost savings.

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