elisa 800 R-VIT

A new chapter in the history of intensive care ventilation.

The elisa 800 R-VIT is equipped with a special interface for electrical impedance tomography (EIT). elisa 800 R-VIT combines intensive care ventilation and EIT with a simple user interface. The comprehensively configurable screen view adapts to the needs of the respective hospital and its in-house standards. At the same time, operating errors and training costs are reduced. In addition to invasive and non-invasive ventilation with high leakage compensation, the ventilation options also include high-flow O2 therapy and the option of helmet ventilation. To ensure that lung-protective ventilation is not just a word, a wide range of functions such as PEEPfinder, volumetric capnometry, oesophageal and transpulmonary pressure monitoring support the bedside application.

Comprehensive weaning indicators, monitoring functions and the weaning analyzer also support difficult and prolonged weaning situations.

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Ventilation with elisa 800 R-VIT.

Powerful PCs, innovative textiles and modern algorithms have contributed to the fact that electrical impedance tomography has left the purely scientific stage and arrived in everyday clinical practice. Insufficient sensor density, complicated assessment strategies and pressure ulcers caused by sensor belts are now a thing of the past. Changes in the dependent and non-dependent areas of the lungs can be localized at a glance and therapy settings can be adjusted under visual control.

Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a bedside method that can be used to reliably determine regional lung function non-invasively and without radiation exposure.

By expanding the elisa 800 R-VIT with the elisa VIT module, we combine both functions: Intensive ventilation and EIT.

Ventilation, stretch, regional compliance, regional tidal volume and the extent of the available lung volume (functional lung size) can be easily and continuously assessed, monitored and used as the basis for a ventilation strategy. The EIT thus supports the implementation of lung-protective ventilation, therapeutic positioning and weaning.

Daily awakening trials, propofol syndrome, prompt neurological assessment of the ventilated intensive care patient or reduction of symptomatic transitory psychotic syndrome - there are many motivations for the use of volatile anesthetics in the context of intensive care therapy. We have taken up this challenge and implemented a comprehensive strategy for "Safety, including essential performance, for anesthesia workplaces". This is not just about the safe operation of intensive care ventilators and the effects of narcotic gases on the materials of the intensive care ventilator. The anesthetic function compensates for the in- and expiratory resistance on exhalation of the Sedaconda system, thereby avoiding the prolongation of the medium exhalation time, reducing the risk of trapping and warranting the accuracy of the volume measurement.

In combination with the LEOLYZER multi-gas sensor, agent gases can optionally be precisely measured and monitored directly with the elisa.

In combination with the LEOLYZER multi-gas sensor, anesthetic gases can optionally be precisely measured and monitored directly with the elisa.

The LEOMETRY from Löwenstein enables simple nutrition monitoring in ventilated patients. By adding the ZISLIN module to the elisa ventilators, bedside indirect calorimetry is possible at any time without additional monitors and is as simple as end-tidal capnometry.

LEOBRAIN from Löwenstein enables simple, bedside monitoring of the depth of sedation. By adding the LEOBRAIN module to the elisa ventilators, EEG-supported sedation monitoring is possible at any time directly via the ventilator without additional monitors and is therefore an integral part of your ventilation monitoring.

Continuous monitoring and control of the blocked cuff is one of the metric actions to reduce the risk of VAP in ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. Intermittent cuff control using a manometer, which has often been used in the past, is insufficiently suitable for counteracting this risk. For this reason, we have added the new "Cuffscout" function to our successful products. This feature maintains and monitors the cuff pressure set by the user.

In addition, our devices immediately detect defective cuffs and leakages and have a cough detection algorithm. This further simplifies individual cuff fitting.

Lung-protective ventilation reduces ventilator-associated complications, in particular by reducing the mechanical pressure and volume load on the lungs. The findings of recent years show that lung-protective ventilation can only be achieved by regularly adjusting the ventilator settings to the individual lung function. But what happens if the classic requirements for lung-protective ventilation can no longer be met?

The adaptation of ventilation therapy on the basis of transpulmonary pressure measurement is a simple, less invasive and valid method that only requires the placement of a modified gastric tube. The changes in esophageal pressure during a breathing cycle reflect the changes in pleural pressure. As the difference between ventilation and pleural pressure, the transpulmonary pressure situation shows the extent of mechanical stress on the alveoli and is thus responsible for ventilation-associated lung damage. The inspiratory plateau pressure set on the ventilator tends to play a subordinate role. Studies have shown that due to the high variability of the ratio of the elasticity of the lungs to the thorax, an inspiratory plateau pressure set on the ventilator resulted in very different transpulmonary pressure gradients. On patients with increased pleural pressure, for example as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure, the same inspiration pressure may be associated with less ventilator-associated lung injury than on patients with low pleural pressure. The end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure (TPP exp. press.) can then be adjusted by titrating the applied PEEP, as the airway pressure is related to the applied PEEP. In contrast to other procedures for detecting the individual PEEP, this procedure can also be applied during spontaneous breathing and in the course of weaning. Likewise, during weaning, measurement of esophageal pressure can provide valuable information (unmasking of patient-respirator asynchrony, monitoring of respiratory muscle effort, calculation of intrinsic PEEP during spontaneous breathing ...) and allows the weaning process to be optimized. The patient's breathing work can be determined under assisted spontaneous breathing in the acute situation so that the necessary support for the patient can be adapted directly to the respective lung function by means of pressure support.

In the age of lung-protective forms of ventilation, the efficiency of ventilation can be optimized through targeted action on the ratio of dead volume to tidal volume. Capnography as a graphical representation of the expiratory CO2 concentration is an essential component of bedside monitoring of the ventilated patient. Capnography displays CO2 kinetics in a non-invasive way and in real time. In daily routine, it is mainly used to identify the successful intubation and to adjust the minute volume to be administered. However, capnography can provide much more far-reaching and additional clinically valuable information, especially in its form of volumetric capnography, which has not yet been widely used clinically. This includes monitoring and optimization of ventilation and assessment of gas exchange. This provides the treatment team with clinical parameters for decision-making at the bedside that could previously only be obtained using more complex, invasive, non-automated procedures.

Automatic regulation of the inspiratory oxygen concentration based on pulse oximetry allows oxygen to be applied in accordance with the guidelines. High O2 concentrations can cause adverse events. The spectrum ranges from inflammatory reactions of the airways, resorption atelectasis and seizures to increased hospital mortality. During high-flow O2 therapy and ventilation, oxygen saturation should be closely monitored and the inspiratory oxygen concentration continuously adjusted to the individual therapy range. LEOCLAC uses integrated pulse oximetry to continuously adjust the inspiratory oxygen concentration to the set therapy range. When combined with invasive or non-invasive ventilation and HFOT, LEOCLAC continuously evaluates the quality of the pulse wave and detects possible artifacts. Various sizes and models of SpO2 sensors are available for LEOCLAC. Pulse rate, O2 saturation and Pleth curve can be monitored independently of LEOCLAC. An intelligent graph facilitates easy assessment of FiO2 control.

It is well established that the breath-synchronous collapse and reopening of lung areas in ARDS patients causes considerable damage to the lung tissue and that breath-synchronous opening and closing (alveolar cycling) of lung areas in particular is an independent risk factor for higher mortality. The PEEPfinder can be used to optimize the settings of the ventilator and thus supports lung-protective ventilation. The maneuver is performed in a safe window and can be combined with a preoxygenation function. The upgraded quasi-static PV tool supports the user at assessing stress and strain. Intelligent algorithms and extensive safety functions allow the elastic properties of the lung to be determined easily. Extensive evaluation options are available for this purpose. Graphical evaluation support for detecting inflection points, recording stress indices and saving reference loops make it easy to determine the safe ventilation window.

Product features

High-flow O₂ therapy

A high-flow of heated, humidified inspiratory gas is applied via a nasal cannula. Depending on the indication and care environment, this inspiratory gas consists of air, an air-oxygen mixture or pure oxygen. Consequently, the effects of the therapy can be seen in elimination of CO2 from the anatomical dead space with reduced work of breathing and improved oxygenation. Thanks to the system architecture of the elisa series, there is no need to replace the breathing circuit when switching between HFOT and non-invasive or invasive ventilation. High-flow O2 therapy is standard on every ventilator in the elisa family.

Non-invasive ventilation

Innovative control technology and special algorithms allow extensive leakage compensation. The adjustable and leakage-compensated byflow reduces CO2 rebreathing at full face masks and ensures patient trigger comfort. Special ventilation modes and adjustable alarm delays reduce alarm stress, even in difficult anatomical conditions and high leakage. For long-term use or in the presence of skin defects, helmet ventilation provides another non-invasive option to avoid intubation and invasive ventilation. Non-invasive ventilation is standard on every ventilator in the elisa family.


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Ventilator-Integrated Tomography (VIT) 3.0
LEOBRAIN – Guideline-compliant sedation even in difficult situations
LEOMETRY - the gold standard for accessible nutrition monitoring

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