Independent. Innovative. Reliable.

Identity: Family business.

Löwenstein Medical is a family business. We have stood for continuity and responsibility for over 35 years, thinking beyond the present and being an authentic and reliable partner for our customers, patients, and employees: now and into the future. Our independence gives us the strength and freedom to shape and drive forward product development. With state-of-the-art technology and innovation in ventilation and empathy for our patients. Our focus is always on people.

Facing the future with confidence.

We as a company act quickly, purposefully, and in response to requirements. Synergies arise from our broad and international positioning. Know-how and experience are developed, put into practice, and passed on within the company, resulting in clear benefits to our patients and customers. You have access to a complete and comprehensive product portfolio. Everything is interwoven. Compatibility, long-term service, and investment security are key words for us. Into the future.

Our mission.

Ventilation is always a major intervention. In the hospital or at home. Whether for a short interval or for a lifetime. If your breathing requires support, when breathing in and out is no longer simply natural and automatic, that’s when we are by your side to take care of you. So that life goes on as it should.

We want people who are ventilated to be able to live a life that is as natural and normal as possible. For our innovative ventilation technology to create freedom and room to move, to improve quality of life while remaining simple and uncomplicated, adapting to any situation, accompanying and supporting the rhythm of breathing as naturally as possible.

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Our vision.

Our goals are ambitious. When it comes to our technology, we work to keep improving so that ventilation becomes respiration, the processes hardly differ from one another, and our medical devices fit into our patients’ lives in an increasingly natural, ergonomic, and intelligent manner.

Löwenstein is one of the world's leading suppliers of ventilation technologies for hospital and home use. In both therapy and diagnosis. Because of our commitment to people, we are always available and at the side of our patients and customers.

Ambitious goals? Certainly. With people in mind..

It’s what we stand for.

Löwenstein has the power to define the new. We quickly recognize needs in a changing world, develop and adapt innovative technologies in fields of ventilation. We tailor our services to new living conditions with great flexibility. The independence of a family-owned business guarantees us the freedom to make decisions as we see fit.

Reliably better. 

The focus is always on our patients‘ lives. We are committed, work a little harder, think too much rather than too little and benefit from our decades of experience in ventilation. All that goes into providing people with the best possible care and ensuring medical professionals the safety of advanced technology while delivering our services smoothly in the background.

Consistently caring.

We are “Löwensteiner”. The company’s low staff turnover means that we have worked together for a long time and have developed good relations with our patients and customers. That’s what families do. We are reliable, honest, and loyal as an employer, service provider, and business partner.

Consistently reliable.

Our entrepreneurial independence is our greatest good. Financial independence gives us flexibility. We are independent of individual suppliers, customers, markets, product lines, and business models. “Made in Germany” is not just a line on a label for us, but a commitment. Backed by a largely German supply chain and managed 100% by company owner. Complete freedom of choice.

Rigorously reasonable.

We are happy to talk to you.

Products from the Löwenstein family all speak the same language. Transfer and compatibility are guaranteed, and if you need people to discuss issues relating to your device or our service with you, we are always there. And know our way around. Because at Löwenstein, everything comes from a single source. Creating synergies and minimizing information loss. We take a holistic approach to medical care. We are by your side from diagnosis to treatment.

Contact us now